Reached a plateau? Not sure how to push onto the next grade? Afraid of falling off? Performance coaching could be just what you need to break into a new level of climbing.
Onsighting a 7b+ in Rodeller
Sport Climbing
As no two people are the same, all sport climbing performance sessions are fully bespoke to suit your needs. After consultation to work out your goals, we will tailor the session to fit.
Common areas for improvement we often identify are; a fear of falling, lack of a specific techniques, specific weaknesses or lack of consistent climbing.
Once we had identified the issues we can then work on coaching you through them. This might involve targeting specific techniques with a specific choice of route, 1:2 sessions with on-route coaching as an instructors hang on a rope next to you, or the development of a longer term training plan.
Trad Climbing
For many people trad climbing is scary. It isn’t necessarily a bad feeling to have, but with some careful planning and route choice even hard trad climbing can be really safe.
Let us help develop your ‘head game’, learn to trust your gear and really start trad climbing to your potential.
As with coaching for performance sport climbing, each session is completely bespoke based on an analysis of your climbing.
1:2 sessions with your regular climbing partner make for a great way to progress your trad climbing. By using a separate rope alongside you, our instructors are able to coach you whilst climbing, with your regular partner belaying.
Trad onsighting watched from above.
what we will cover
Fear of falling
Tactics for successful onsight or redpoint climbing
Training plans
‘Head game’ and confidently approaching a route
Advanced ropework
Client specific issues identified during coaching
who is it for?
Climbers of any ability who have hit a plateau and need help to up their grade.
Course Dates
We can run these courses to suit you, so pick a date of your choice and book now!
Price and Duration
We run all our courses and guided days as private bookings for you and your group, so decide on dates which suit you and book now!
Maximum 2 participants.
North Wales or anywhere in the UK (minimum 3 days booking, plus all travel and accommodation costs).
Book Now
Use the booking form to book now or email or call 07906608819